COVID-19 Update…

COVID—19 UpdateCOVID-19, a.k.a. Coronavirus, seems to be on everyone’s mind these days. As of March 10, 2019, there have been a reported total of 77 Canadian cases of novel coronavirus, 31 of which are within the province of Ontario.

This is a good time for each of us to review what we can do to reduce transmission of this and other contagious diseases. It’s also a potent reminder of how interconnected we humans all are.

Symptoms of this virus range from mild – like the flu and other common respiratory infections – to severe, and can include fever, cough, and difficulty breathing. Please call your GP or Telehealth Ontario if you are experiencing any of these symptoms.

There are everyday actions that can help prevent the spread of germs that cause respiratory illnesses, reduce exposure to the virus, and protect your health. These include:

  • washing your hands often with soap and water, for at least 20 seconds (or the time it takes to sing Happy Birthday twice)
  • Using alcohol-based hand sanitizer regularly
  • sneezing and coughing into your sleeve or a tissue rather than directly into your hands
  • avoiding touching your eyes, nose or mouth
  • avoiding contact with people who are sick
  • staying home if you are sick

Mindful Solutions Clinic is committed to keeping the office as safe as possible for all of us. The Carrot Common building has recently installed hand sanitizing stations in its hallways. You are encouraged to use them upon entering the building and when leaving. In addition, I’ve made a bottle of hand sanitizer freely available inside my office, on the side table. Again, you’re welcome to use it at any time during our session together.

Most importantly, I ask that you please stay home if you have a fever, chills, a sudden cough, difficulty breathing, or vomiting/diarrhoea, or if you are caring for someone who is ill. I encourage you to email or text me if this is the case, as I would be happy to convert your in-office session into a remote session such as telephone or video conference. Alternatively, we could reschedule your appointment for a later date, when you or the loved ones you are caring for are symptom-free.

As usual, please remember to self-care during this time. This means prioritizing sleep, staying active, eating well, avoiding contact with people who are sick, and staying home if you are sick. Finally, let’s help each other through this unsettling time by being mindful of our most vulnerable members of society, especially those with compromised immune systems and the elderly, for whom a virus like COVID-19 can be life-threatening.

For the most up-to-date, credible sources of information about COVID-19 in Canada, please visit: