COVID-19: Moving Forward

3D60C4FC-5F59-45B9-8F55-5F088264DC31Mindful Solutions Clinic takes the Coronavirus pandemic seriously.

As you all know, I always aim for each of us to be guided by both our values and the best available evidence-based data. The same is true for this situation that has now become a worldwide concern.

Being in Toronto, and in North America, has given us the luxury to pour over the early data emerging from other countries such China, Italy and Iran, as well to observe how the early, rapid and effective strategies in countries such as Singapore have helped thwart the dire situations that entire nations are now grappling with.

All evidence is now pointing toward the early intervention strategies of social distancing and good hygiene practices as our main methods of “flattening the curve” – a term used to explain efforts to minimize the reach and spread of this virus, which would keep our healthcare system better able to manage this serious public health matter and will also help minimize the impact to our economy in the long run.

Simply put, this global pandemic is affecting us all, and we each need to do our part to help each other out, for the greater good of our brothers and sisters. Friday’s messaging from all three levels of our governments left us with a clear message: the time is now for each of us to take this matter seriously. This means our behaviour as individuals living within a community needs to change ASAP.

It is important for me to continue serving you all through this trying time, while also heeding the serious call of public health officials. It’s a delicate balance, and one that calls for implementing a mindful strategy that meets your mental health needs while also serving the greater community.

With all of this in mind, and upon much reflection over the past few days (including an awareness of the small size of my office which makes social distancing a challenge), I’ve made the difficult decision to suspend all in-office sessions until further notice. Any already booked in-office sessions will be automatically converted to telephone sessions (I will call you at our appointed time, at the phone number I have on file for you).

I have also modified my online calendar to temporarily suspend the in-office session options at this time, and will open up more availability for both telephone and video sessions. I will also be expanding my walk-and-talk session times and locations; information will be on my website and social media channels shortly.

Finally, in these anxious times, it is critical for each of us to practice good self-care strategies. This includes things like:

  • Setting strict time limits to social media and news outlets, as they tend to fan flames of panic for many people
  • Getting regular sleep
  • Eating balanced, nutrient-rich meals to keep your immunity up
  • Exercising daily
  • Making sure to do something you enjoy every day (now’s a great time to practice that hobby you’ve been meaning to get to!)
  • Unless you are quarantined, trying to get some of the sun’s Vitamin D and fresh air every day – go for a walk in a park or nature trail
  • Consuming media (e.g. books, tv shows, movies, etc.) that lifts you up, rather than feeds your anxieties
  • Calming your nerves and heart through the regular practice of mindfulness
  • Using the therapy strategies you have already learned to keep calm through this all
  • Checking in on loved ones and neighbours, especially those who have health/mobility issues, are elderly and/or are isolated. Ask if they need anything, including groceries. A little empathy goes a long way

I feel confident that, together, we will be able to support each other to get through this ordeal that is affecting us all deeply. Now’s the time for each of us to work together, and practice responsible, empathic leadership.