Affirmation: I Welcome The New Year With Joy

For many, the promise of the new year is a time for reflection and rebirth. It’s a reset. A fresh start. An opportunity for reinvention and creating abundance.

I probably go against conventional wisdom when it comes to setting New Year’s Resolutions. Simply put, I don’t like ’em. Why? Because it’s not uncommon for most well-intentioned resolutions to be discarded by January 17, which, incidentally enough, is known as Ditch New Year’s Resolution Day. How many of us have signed up for gym memberships soon after New Year’s only to never go, despite our credit cards still being charged? Gyms worldwide know this about us! Not to mention how ditched resolutions only make us feel terrible about ourselves!

So. Resolutions, bad. In my books, they’re the antithesis of self-compassion, and anyone who’s spent any quality time with me knows that I’m all about compassion-based living.


I still believe in living life mindfully.

With full intentions and awareness.

What I’ve been practising annually to keep myself on track and accountable is to live by themes. For instance, for me, 2017 was all about embracing joy, while 2018 was my year of healing. 2019 was all about inviting more love, while 2020 will be all about courage. This means that, before every action I take or every choice I make over the next 12 months, I will ask myself first whether I’m putting myself out there authentically in order to stretch myself, even if it may make me slightly uncomfortable. It takes courage to do that!IMG_4593

So I invite you to think about what theme you’d like to live by in 2020.

To keep on track with your chosen theme, affirmations can be powerful tools to help shift your mindset. So why not use an affirmation or two to help you start the year off on the right foot?

So for instance, if you’re looking to invite more joy (theme) into your life, you could try these affirmations, if they resonate for you:

To have great joy, I open my mind and my heart to what the New Year will bring. I avoid fearing the change that the ending of one year offers. I welcome change because it allows for growth. Change keeps things interesting and eventful. I find excitement and joy in every new experience.

Or more simply:

Today, I embrace and welcome the joy the New Year will surely bring to me.

Of course, these are only suggestions. Come up with your own affirmations by spending a few moments with the following self-reflection questions:

  • What theme do I choose to embrace in 2020?
  • How can I make 2020 more joyous than the last one (if joy is your theme)?
  • What can I do to bring more joy (if that’s your theme) to others in the coming year?
  • How can I embrace the changes and challenges of the New Year while living in alignment with my chosen theme?

So… what theme and affirmation will you live by in 2020?