Hypnosis for Deep Sleep


Here’s another guided audio recording, which is good to use if you’re having trouble falling (or staying!) asleep.

Hypnosis and meditation are both wonderful tools to help us access a slower brain frequency state. Are you ready to go into a very relaxing state to allow yourself the deep sleep that you deserve? If so, this guided audio is for you. Sweet dreams!

Breathing Anchor Meditation

A7F97FE5-58F4-4350-9045-20E8813BC491Here’s another guided meditation for you!

This meditation is a “breathing anchor” mindfulness practice to help root your awareness into the present moment, dissolve anxiety, decrease stress, and allow the body to heal in a relaxed, peaceful state.

Let me know what you think!


Self-Compassion Guided Meditation

Self compassion meditation

Self Compassion Meditation



Here’s one of my favourite meditations to practice, to cultivate self-compassion. Click on the play button and join me!

I hope you enjoy it!

5-Minute Simple Breathing Space Meditation


Breathing Space Meditation by Sandy Kiaizadeh


Come join me for a quick, simple and super relaxing meditation! Hit play on the video below.