Safe Place Meditation (For Pain)

BEA573FD-4A8B-4645-8F52-E0351582BB23Here is a brand new guided audio meditation that can help those of you who are dealing with physical or emotional pain. Hope you enjoy it!

What Is Self-Care? Here Are Some Tips!

What is self-careI often get asked by clients what this idea of “self-care” really looks like, practically speaking. It seems like we’re bombarded with this expression everywhere we look, especially on our social media feeds. Here are my thoughts on self-care, as well as some quick tips you can use today to begin practising good self-care.

FYI – This video was recorded last summer, but it somehow got lost in my iCloud and I forgot to upload it as a result… I only found it today as I was trying to clean out my hard drive as part of my laptop’s regular maintenance. Guess all my self-caring over the past 7 months made me forget to share this with you all! 😁

Hope you enjoy it! Feel free to share your comments with me below.

What Is Intuitive Eating?

IMG_4951Have you heard of the term “intuitive eating” or “eating mindfully”, and wondered what it really means? It’s a non-dieting eating approach to living healthfully, which promotes:

• listening to your body
• eating when you’re hungry and stopping when you’re full
• eating mindfully without distractions such as television and smartphones
• moving daily for enjoyment rather than punishment
• accepting the body’s natural size and shape
• removing food guilt
• ending food preoccupation by removing any form of food restriction.

Abundant research now shows that dieting doesn’t work in the long run, and can, in fact, lead to disordered eating behaviours. So get off the hurtful “no fat,” “low cal,” “no sugar,” and “clean eating” yo-yo cycle of self-abuse and go back to basics instead – which is to simply listen to your body’s natural cues, eat mindfully, and find an exercise activity that you actually enjoy!

Now Offering Walk & Talk Therapy!


It’s flip-flop season, the weather is GORGEOUS, the sun is out, and the birds are singing. Why have your counselling session indoors when we can head out for some mindful movement?

Numerous scientific studies have shown the positive effects of exercise on the brain, especially for people with depression. Walk & Talk therapy can help you turn a corner if you’re experiencing feelings of stress, depression, anxiety or grief. Being outdoors while getting your step counts in and working through your feelings can help you improve your sense wellbeing.

Ask me whether a Walk & Talk Therapy session might be right for you.

Book your Walk & Talk session today! Two locations are now being offered. Click on the links below to check out my availability: